BH Clubbing
To radim zadnjih devet godina, jako je zdravo. Znate li koliko godina imam?
Datum: Subota, 17.03.2018. // Broj pregleda: 2721 // Kategorija: Lifestyle // Autor: //

Češki fotograf David Tensinki posjetio je glavni ukrajinski grad Kijev i od lokalaca svakodnevno slušao neobičnu priču kako jedna mlada djevojka posljednjih devet godina svako jutro se kupa u rijeci Dnjepar. Čeh ih je malo blijedo gledao budući da temperatura u Kijevu tih dana rijetko je prelazila -5 stupnjeva, ali domaći su ga uvjeravali da to nema veze i da rano ujutro s fotoaparatom dođe kod rijeke i da će tamo pronaći zgodnu damu kako razbija led i hrabro skače u vodu, javlja Jutarnji list.

Sumnjičavi Čeh na kraju ih je ipak poslušao i u rano jutro se stacionirao kraj jedne od najhladnijih rijeka na svijetu. I na kraju je imao što vidjeti i snimiti. Ina Vladimirskaja zajedno sa svojim suprugom malo je džogirala po snijegu, skinula apsolutno sve sa sebe i skočila u rijeku! A živa se u tom trenutku spustila na -9 stupnjeva...

- To radim svaki dan posljednjih devet godina, bila temperatura ili -10 ili +30. Zašto? Zato što je zdravo i zato što ću na ovaj način zadržati mladoliki izgled. Pa znate li koliko ja imam godina?

- (PICTURED: Inna Vladimirskaya , 32, from Kiev, Ukraine in the Dnieper river,Kiev, Ukraine in minus temperatures as she believes it will improve her health. PIC TAKEN ON 04/03/18) - This brave swimmer certainly has a brrracing workout each weekend she skinny dips in one of the coldest rivers in Europe which regularly plummets to temperaturess of -9C.Inna Vladimirskaya, 32, strips off on the banks of the Dnieper river, in Kiev, Ukraine, every Sunday morning, and takes a swim after jogging along the snowy banks of the river in the nip. The thrill-seeker says shes been carrying out the bizarre ritual for nine years often alongside her husband because she believes the freezing temperatures keep her looking young and healthy., Image: 366017125, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News

Profimedia, Caters News

- (PICTURED: Inna Vladimirskaya , 32, from Kiev, Ukraine in the Dnieper river,Kiev, Ukraine in minus temperatures as she believes it will improve her health. PIC TAKEN ON 04/03/18) - This brave swimmer certainly has a brrracing workout each weekend she skinny dips in one of the coldest rivers in Europe which regularly plummets to temperaturess of -9C.Inna Vladimirskaya, 32, strips off on the banks of the Dnieper river, in Kiev, Ukraine, every Sunday morning, and takes a swim after jogging along the snowy banks of the river in the nip. The thrill-seeker says shes been carrying out the bizarre ritual for nine years often alongside her husband because she believes the freezing temperatures keep her looking young and healthy., Image: 366017134, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News

Profimedia, Caters News

Ina inače ima 32 godine i bez obzira na to što dežurni komentatori tvrde da upravo izgleda baš kao jedna 32-godišnjakinja, ona svoj jutarnji ritual ne misli mijenjati.

- Hladna voda je sjajna stvar za krvotok. Osjećate kako vam se krv sjuri prema organima, aktivira cirkulaciju što je dobro za skidanje masnoća i poboljšanje mišićne mase. Ista je stvar i kod životinja! Pogledajte morževe. Izgledaju uvijek isto, mladoliko i to mogu zahvaliti činjenici da dugo vremena provode u hladnoj vodi.

- (PICTURED: Inna Vladimirskaya , 32, from Kiev, Ukraine in the Dnieper river,Kiev, Ukraine in minus temperatures as she believes it will improve her health. PIC TAKEN ON 04/03/18) - This brave swimmer certainly has a brrracing workout each weekend she skinny dips in one of the coldest rivers in Europe which regularly plummets to temperaturess of -9C.Inna Vladimirskaya, 32, strips off on the banks of the Dnieper river, in Kiev, Ukraine, every Sunday morning, and takes a swim after jogging along the snowy banks of the river in the nip. The thrill-seeker says shes been carrying out the bizarre ritual for nine years often alongside her husband because she believes the freezing temperatures keep her looking young and healthy., Image: 366017139, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News

Profimedia, Caters News

- (PICTURED: Inna Vladimirskaya , 32, from Kiev, Ukraine in the Dnieper river,Kiev, Ukraine in minus temperatures as she believes it will improve her health. PIC TAKEN ON 04/03/18) - This brave swimmer certainly has a brrracing workout each weekend she skinny dips in one of the coldest rivers in Europe which regularly plummets to temperaturess of -9C.Inna Vladimirskaya, 32, strips off on the banks of the Dnieper river, in Kiev, Ukraine, every Sunday morning, and takes a swim after jogging along the snowy banks of the river in the nip. The thrill-seeker says shes been carrying out the bizarre ritual for nine years often alongside her husband because she believes the freezing temperatures keep her looking young and healthy., Image: 366017151, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News

Profimedia, Caters News

Ipak, za razliku od morževa Vladimirskaja ne provodi puno vremena u hladnoj vodi, piše Jutarnji list.

- Skočim unutra, izađem van i gola trčim do ugrijanog automobila - rekla je Ina.

- (PICTURED: Inna Vladimirskaya , 32, from Kiev, Ukraine running in the snow in Kiev, Ukraine in minus temperatures as she believes it will improve her health. PIC TAKEN ON 04/03/18) - This brave swimmer certainly has a brrracing workout each weekend she skinny dips in one of the coldest rivers in Europe which regularly plummets to temperaturess of -9C.Inna Vladimirskaya, 32, strips off on the banks of the Dnieper river, in Kiev, Ukraine, every Sunday morning, and takes a swim after jogging along the snowy banks of the river in the nip. The thrill-seeker says shes been carrying out the bizarre ritual for nine years often alongside her husband because she believes the freezing temperatures keep her looking young and healthy., Image: 366017560, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News

Profimedia, Caters News

- (PICTURED: Inna Vladimirskaya , 32, from Kiev, Ukraine running in the snow in Kiev, Ukraine in minus temperatures as she believes it will improve her health. PIC TAKEN ON 04/03/18) - This brave swimmer certainly has a brrracing workout each weekend she skinny dips in one of the coldest rivers in Europe which regularly plummets to temperaturess of -9C.Inna Vladimirskaya, 32, strips off on the banks of the Dnieper river, in Kiev, Ukraine, every Sunday morning, and takes a swim after jogging along the snowy banks of the river in the nip. The thrill-seeker says shes been carrying out the bizarre ritual for nine years often alongside her husband because she believes the freezing temperatures keep her looking young and healthy., Image: 366017561, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Caters News

Profimedia, Caters News

Datum: Subota, 17.03.2018.
Broj pregleda: 2721
Kategorija: Lifestyle
IZVOR: Slobodna Dalmacija

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