BH Clubbing
Bivša zečica pila je votku 24 sata dnevno, posljedice su bile užasne
Datum: Četvrtak, 25.07.2019. // Broj pregleda: 1605 // Kategorija: Zanimljivosti // Autor: //
PLAYBOYEVA zečica Jessica Landon ispričala je da ju je ovisnost o alkoholu dovela do toga da je ispijala votku 24 sata dnevno, organi su joj otkazali, a koža trunula.

Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa

Na vrhuncu karijere njen je život izgledao kao san. Tulumarila je u vili Hugha Hefnera i pokušavala izgraditi glumačku karijeru.

"Preselila sam se u Los Angeles kad sam imala 19 godina. Bavila sam se manekenstvom i glumom te sam često visjela u Playboyevoj vili. U to vrijeme mislila sam da je moj život san", rekla je.

Kako kaže, bila je svjesna da je zlostavljanje koje je doživjela od svoje dadilje kad je imala pet godina ostavilo traga na njenoj psihi.

"Kad pogledam unatrag, mislim da sam prazninu u sebi ispunjavala alkoholom, ljubavlju i hranom", rekla je.

Alkohol joj je pomagao da se osjeća smireno.

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Hef and the girls circa 2001 (me all the way on right 19yrs old). 😱 I'm not proud of my past, in fact I'm quite embarrassed and ashamed of the kind of life I once lived. Everyday young girls move to LA searching for a glitzy & glamorous life in Hollywood thinking they will be happier, more fulfilled and/or achieve success. Unfortunately the reality is that Hollywood is full of spiritually starved, insecure and lost human beings on a perpetual search for 'more' paradoxically leading to feeling like 'less' of a person. It is too easy to completely lose a sense of who you are and find yourself living an empty, purposeless, self indulgent life full of shame and remorse. Then become addicted to a substance that medicates the shame that is killing you. Most of the girls I came in contact with ended up addicted to something trying to escape their internal existential pain. I know this pain too well and can see it from a mile away, being surrounded by it made me realize how meaningless material things, attention and money really are when it comes to real joy, peace and serenity. Self worth does not come from attention, money or things, it can only build on actions of love and service to others. I am grateful that my addiction became so unbearable I had to find another way to fill the 'hole in my soul'. Things outside of me cannot change how I feel on the inside (for longer than a few mins) only God can do that. Without being brought to my knees by alcohol I would've never found Gratitude and if I never found Gratitude I would've never found God. 💗🙏🏻 #transformation #memoir #humanonfire #comingsoon

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"Mislim da sam bila prikriveni alkoholičar od početka. Rijetko sam pila u javnosti ili na zabavama, češće sama kod kuće. Alkohol je bio magični lijek koji sam tražila, jedina stvar koja me oslobađala tjeskobe, panike i srama koji sam osjećala iznutra. S 26 godina pila sam votku 24 sata dnevno", rekla je.

"Onesvijestila bih se i probudila noću u panici, tresući se, pa sam votku držala pored kreveta. Povraćala sam krv na dnevnoj bazi. Život mi je postao pakao. Znala sam da ću umrijeti ako ne prestanem piti, no znala sam i da ću umrijeti bez alkohola ako ne potražim medicinsku pomoć. Stvorila sam zatvor u kojem sam bila. Nitko nije znao koliko mi je život užasan. Bojala sam se biti iskrena o tome koliko pijem pa sam sve tajila", dodala je.

Jednog je dana pijana pala niz stepenice. Liječnici su joj dijagnosticirali krvarenje u mozgu.

"Morali su me operirati da ne ostanu posljedice, no najprije su me morali očistiti od alkohola jer mi je krv bila preslaba. Nakon pet dana doživjela je napadaje, zbog čega su je hitno operirali. Nakon toga je prebačena u kliniku za odvikavanje, gdje se oporavila. Nakon izlaska iz bolnice opet je počela piti.

"Nisam bila u stanju ustati i otići na WC pa sam obavljala nuždu po sebi na podu prijateljičine sobe. Kiselina iz urina nagrizala mi je kožu te sam zadobila stafilokoknu infekciju. Znala sam da umirem i postala sam očajna. Nazvala sam bivšeg i molila ga da mi pomogne. Srećom, sljedećeg jutra pojavio se na vratima s djelatnicima Hitne pomoći. Kad sam stigla do bolnice, organi su mi otkazivali. Dobila sam dvije transfuzije krvi, na intenzivnoj sam provela 16 dana. Bilo je upitno hoću li preživjeti", ispričala je.

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I'm posting this not to gross anybody out but to share my gratitude for where I am today compared to where I was two years ago. That is me Jan 3rd 2014. With A blood staph infection, B.A.C of .503, conjunctivitis, weighed 78 lbs and every organ in my body including my heart and brain were failing. The left pic is the result of the acid from my urine eating away my skin because I had been laying in one spot for over a month. I was hemorrhaging out of every orifice because my blood was so thin from the amount of alcohol I was consuming. And only 6 months before this debacle I had a hemorrhagic stroke from falling over a railing that resulted in brain surgery. And there were never any drugs other than alcohol in my system. So when people talk about how innocuous alcohol is, I just laugh. It has taken brutal honesty, deep introspection and forgiveness of myself to build the life of recovery that I have today. I no longer want to numb or hurt myself and I may not love myself but I definitely don't hate myself anymore. If you've ever judged someone who had a substance abuse problem - just know they judged themselves even more. I have hopes that a picture like this can turn some of that judgement into compassion because it is hell on earth to be psychologically and physiologically dependent/addicted to something that you know is killing you. And even more emotionally injurious to those that love you. Wether you understand the disease of addiction or not, the reality is that it is one of the leading causes of death in this country so we need to at least try to understand it better. Those of you that knew about my gnarly spirals into the depths of insanity and somehow never stopped loving me and rooting for me (you know who you are), YOU are my Heros. I can now pass that unconditional love and compassion onto the next suffering soul in my path. You created a ripple of kindness into the world that will be infinitely passed on. I am so grateful for God and for my friends and family who never stopped loving me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Feel free to share to spread awareness about the abominable affects of alcoholism! ❤️ #transformation

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Nakon mjesec dana otpuštena je iz bolnice, a preselila se k roditeljima kako bi se konačno odvikla od alkohola.

Trenutno je 37-godišnja Jessica pet godina trijezna i očekuje svoje prvo dijete.

"Ne ponosim se svojom prošlošću, naprotiv, stidim se života kojim sam živjela. U pomaganju drugima nalazim nagradu i konačno osjećam pripadnost nečemu", rekla je.

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It’s this boys birthday today and here are some of the reasons why I fell head over heels in love with him: ✨ He’s an INFP with an emphasis on ‘IN’ (as in intuitive & introverted), he has an aversion to social events (unless intimate), mainstream pop music and politics. He LOVES dogs, true crime documentaries, Forensic Files, neuroscience, and eating sweets in the middle of the night. He’s skeptical of main stream media agenda and rarely trusts authority. He works tirelessly to help those suffering with addiction and goes to ANY length to get them the help they need. He never talks about himself and you’ll never find him on any social media network. His love languages are quality time, physical touch and affirmations. He is witty af and has an affinity for laughing. He is family oriented and originally from Milwaukee. His harrowing life experiences have given him profound depth of character that people are utterly drawn to, including me. He is kindhearted, open minded, humble and beyond loyal to those close to him. He is one SPECIAL human being and I just had to share him with with the world! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATTHEW! ❤️🎉🥰😇

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Datum: Četvrtak, 25.07.2019.
Broj pregleda: 1605
Kategorija: Zanimljivosti

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