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Zaručila se Mia Khalifa
Datum: Ponedjeljak, 18.03.2019. // Broj pregleda: 2628 // Kategorija: Showbiz // Autor: //
Bivša porno glumica Mia Khalifa i švedski chef Robert Sandberg zaručili su se proteklog vikenda u Chicagu. Sandberg je vijesti o zarukama prvi podijelio na Instagramu te opisao kako je tekla večer u kojoj je zaprosio svoju voljenu. Prsten joj je stavio u zdjelicu s hranom i jedva su izbjegli incident, pišu američki mediji.

Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa

I Mia se zarukama i ogromnim dijamantom pohvalila na Instagramu te ne krije koliko je uzbuđena zbog skorašnje udaje.

Porno glumici koja je dugo bila omiljena muškarcima diljem svijeta ovo će biti drugi brak. Godina je za nju počela jako turbulentno, budući da se početkom godine oporavljala od operacije dojke nakon bizarne ozljede kada ju je pogodio 170 grama težak pak i probušio joj dojku.

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I have been getting flooded with questions about it, so I thought I’d share with y’all the story... Where the ring comes from doesn’t matter as long as you get to spend the rest of your life with the person you love, but this time, it means more. @hartmanns_official is my favorite jeweler in the entire world. . . My first trip to Copenhagen in June to visit Robert, I went with just his boss to help him set up snacks for an event they were having at @hartmanns_official, and while he was catching up with his longtime friend, the owner, I perused and somehow found myself in front of the case with the engagement rings. I jokingly tried one on, like any girl would do... Later that day when we were back at Kong Hans, @robertsandberg’s boss, @mark_lundgaard teased me in front of Robert and asked if I’d told him what I had been trying on, and I turned beet red 😆. . . In October, I went back (this time with Robert) wanting to invest in my first pair of Diamond earrings. The owner was helping me make my final decision on a gorgeous round pair of champagne colored diamond studs with a halo setting when at the end he turned to Robert and said “you know where to come when you’re ready to pop the question” and winked at him, and we both turned bright red!! 😅. . . @hartmanns_official is a magical place in the heart of Copenhagen, the city we fell in love, the city that brought us together. The staff is so hospitable and sweet, you feel like you’re walking into someone’s (very chic) home. The level of care, not just for you, but for the diamonds they curate for their collections is unmatched in clarity and design. The elegant, timeless, clean Scandinavian eye of all of their pieces is what sticks out to me the most, and now I have the most meaningful piece of jewelry any woman can wear to remind me of those beautiful days in the worlds best city. Thank you, @hartmanns_official for helping my fiancé tirelessly (it arrived at his doorstep from across the world in 2 days)!, and for creating my dream ring. We can’t wait to come back and see you next time we are in CPH!

A post shared by Mia K. (@miakhalifa) on

Datum: Ponedjeljak, 18.03.2019.
Broj pregleda: 2628
Kategorija: Showbiz

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Zaručila se Mia Khalifa
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