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Datum: Četvrtak, 12.12.2019. // Broj pregleda: 1490 // Kategorija: Showbiz // Autor: //
Plavokosa Britanka Victoria Featherstone Pearce izgleda dvadeset godina mlađe i tvrdi da je za sve zaslužna veganska prehrana i kozmetika. Plavuša je postala zvijezda Instagrama zahvaljujući svojim fotkama i savjetima za ljepotu, a mnogi ne vjeruju da je na pragu pedesete. Victoria ima 48 godina i lice žene u kasnim dvadesetima.

Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa

Instagram model i vlasnica dobrotvorne udruge okrenula se veganstvu prije 15 godina i kaže da se nikad nije osjećala zdravije i samouvjerenije.

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GO VEGAN FOR OUR PLANET 💚 Leonardo DiCaprio Says Ditch Beef To Stop Amazon Deforestation The actor and environmental activist took to Instagram amid the Amazon forest fires to call on his followers to adopt more conscious habits He made the comment as fires rip through the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil, the world's largest tropical forest. It is not only home to around one million indigenous people and three million species of plants and animals, it is also a vital carbon store which slows down the pace of global warming. If you feel compelled to make a change, there are several organizations globally that can educate and inform you and your family about how to make the switch to a plant-based diet. Please visit @weareveganuary @_challenge22_ , Choose Veg and @vivacharity As vegan environmental activist @gretathunberg said: "Our house is on fire. We need to act, and we need to work together now to bring the urgent changes our planet needs to see." Information sourced @plantbasednews @robbie_lockie @mariachiorando @leonardodicaprio #tshirt by @veganfitnessangel —————————————————————————#govegan #vegan #environment #amazon #amazonrainforest #leonardodicaprio #saveourplanet #nature #amazonfires #veganlife #victoriafeatherstonepearce #crueltyfreemakeup ————————————————————————-#hair #makeup @ladivarivamua #photographer @markxphotos 📸

A post shared by Victoria Featherstone Pearce (@victoriapearcewriter) on

"Vegetarijanka sam od svoje šeste godine i postala sam veganka preko noći kad sam s 33 godine saznala za tamnu stranu mliječne industrije", rekla je. "Vjerujem da je to pomoglo mom izgledu jer se osjećam zdravije i bolje nego u svojim dvadesetima", kaže Victoria.

"Koristim samo kreme bez kemikalija i veganske proizvode. Nikad nisam bila na botoksu", kaže zgodna plavuša kojoj nije nimalo neugodno fotkati se u badiću. Želi nastaviti sa svojim načinom života i nada se da će biti zdrava i poletna i u devedesetoj.

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The camera can lie. Many illnesses are clear to see but there are many that are not. I’ve suffered with depression since my early 20s but whenever I tell people this they find it hard to believe. I’m not saying this to bring attention to myself but merely to support others going through this dark & hidden illness. In fact for the last few years I’ve felt the best I’ve ever felt & my depression has been minimal. Mainly down to life style changes & cutting toxic people & situations out of my life. My main battle now is sleep apnea & trust me that’s no picnic ether. Most days are a huge struggle. As yet I’ve haven’t really got to grips with the oxygen machine that I’ve been using on & off for the past year. I really dislike wearing it but the last few weeks with apnea have been so overwhelming that action needs to be taken immediately. When the above picture was taken I was exhausted but you’d never know it, would you? I think I slept for a day after the shoot as so exhausted. Not what you would expect from an almost teetotal, non smoking Vegan but it’s a fact. I’m living permanently exhausted right now. So it’s back to the drawing board with my sleep apnea machine, I’m wearing it daytime as well to try to get used to wearing it in hope it will make it easier to wear at night. Any advice to help sleep apnea would be helpful. So you see the camera can lie. Just because someone looks well or looks happy in a post doesn’t necessarily mean they are well or happy. Usually after shoots or my charity work or any activity really I need a rest day afterwards & naps in the afternoon too if I can. Praying I find a solution to this apnea soon. I’ve got SO much I want to do & it’s frustrating to be this tired everyday. Any advice welcomed. Many people are battling one thing or another or supporting someone who is. Be kind always is my motto. 🙏————————————————————————#mua @ladivarivamua #photo @markxphotos ————————————————————————#writersofinstagram #influencer #victoriafeatherstonepearce #veganlife #realtalk #sleepapnea #mentalillness #itsgoodtotalk

A post shared by Victoria Featherstone Pearce (@victoriapearcewriter) on

Datum: Četvrtak, 12.12.2019.
Broj pregleda: 1490
Kategorija: Showbiz

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