BH Clubbing
Legendarni roker doživio srčani udar, koncerti mu odgođeni do daljnjega
Datum: Petak, 16.08.2019. // Broj pregleda: 1427 // Kategorija: Showbiz // Autor: //
PETER MURPHY, nekadašnji frontmen goth-rock benda Bauhaus, u utorak navečer pretrpio je srčani udar.

Šezdesetdvogodišnji glazbenik u utorak navečer prevezen je u njujoršku bolnicu zbog problema s disanjem, piše BBC.

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PETER MURPHY Suffers Heart Attack: Remaining NYC Residency shows to be postponed and rescheduled. On the evening of August 13, Peter Murphy was rushed to a local New York City hospital due to shortness of breath and was unable to perform his scheduled concert at Le Poisson Rouge. Early Wednesday morning, it was determined that Peter had suffered a heart attack. Lenox Hill Hospital Cardiologist Jason Song issued the following statement: "Mr. Murphy was admitted for treatment of a myocardial infarction, had two stents placed in his right coronary artery, and was started on medications to manage his heart condition. He remains in the hospital for continued monitoring of his condition." Sadly, Peter is physically unable to perform the remaining shows in the Residency series (August 15th, 16th, 18th, and 19th). These shows will be postponed to later dates to be determined. Ticket buyers will have their tickets transferred to the rescheduled date or can request a refund by emailing by 5PM EST on August 30, 2019. Peter’s family has issued the following statement: "We would like to thank the fans for their undying support and hope that Peter will be back on stage with a refreshed heart, stronger than before!" Le Poisson Rouge has issued the following statement: "All of us at LPR are devastated by this news. Peter’s performances and presence over the past twelve days have been amazing - both onstage and off. We wish Peter a swift and full recovery and look forward to his successful return to LPR." #petermurphy Photo Jolene Siana

A post shared by Peter Murphy (@petermurphyofficial) on

Ondje mu je dijagnosticiran infarkt, nakon čega su mu liječnici u desnu koronarnu arteriju ugradili dva stenta

Zadržan je u bolnici kako bi se pratio razvoj njegova zdravstvenog stanja. Po riječima liječnika, pjevač je stabilno.

Obitelj Murphy njegovim je fanovima poručila: "Želimo zahvaliti obožavateljima na neumornoj potpori i nadamo se da će se Peter vratiti na scenu sa snažnijim srcem nego prije."

Murphy je trebao nastupiti u klubu Le Poisson Rouge na Manhattanu, no do daljnjega su svi njegovi koncerti odgođeni.

Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa

Posljednjih je godina pjevač imao i druge zdravstvene probleme.

Godine 2010. bio je prisiljen odustati od turneje zbog nepoznatih zdravstvenih razloga, a 2017. je odgodio nastup u San Franciscu zbog problema s glasnicama.
Datum: Petak, 16.08.2019.
Broj pregleda: 1427
Kategorija: Showbiz

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