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Tenisačica rođena u Osijeku u nekoliko mjeseci skinula je više od 50 kilograma
Datum: Ponedjeljak, 05.08.2019. // Broj pregleda: 1052 // Kategorija: Showbiz // Autor: //
Iza Jelene, australske tenisačice rođene u Osijeku, nevjerojatna je transformacija. Prošle godine imala je 120 kilograma, a u manje od godinu dana uspjela je dotjerati liniju do savršenstva.

Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa

Na Instagramu je objavila fotografije s odmora u Hrvatskoj te je oduševila svoje pratitelje.

Jelena je rođene u Osijeku 1983. godine, no njen otac Damir preselio je nakon početka rata cijelu obitelj u Sombor, a potom u Australiju 1994. godine.

Kad je prestala aktivno igrati tenis počeli su njeni problemi s kilogramima. Hranila se nezdravu, a u lošim trenucima utjehu je tražila u hrani. Zbog komentara koje su joj pisali na društvenim mrežama prestala je izlaziti iz kuće.

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Progress!!!💪💪 I thought I would brave the judgment,negativity and scrutiny that sometimes comes with being in the public eye and on social media and put myself and my struggles out there and hopefully inspire,motivate and help others,especially women. The photo on the left and the start of my weight loss journey is a hard one to post and look at.I was unhealthy and unfit but even more importantly I was so unhappy,with no confidence.I didn’t want to go out of the house and I even turned down work opportunities because I was so insecure and unhappy. That’s where @jennycraigausnz comes in and they have changed my life.I didn’t know what I was in for when I first tried the program but very quickly I discovered just how easy and convenient it is and just how tasty the food is.I love the fact that my food portions are all set with almost no prep time and more than 70 menu items to choose from without jeopardising my weight loss. My favourite part is having my own consultant who I get to see once a week and who supports me every step of the way.That support has been life changing.Not just from my consultant but from the whole team at @jennycraigausnz . That is what I love the most with @jennycraigausnz ,it’s a team effort and you feel like you are a part of the family and you are all on the weight loss journey together. It’s not just about weight loss either but about having a healthy and balanced lifestyle and developing healthy but sustainable habits for the rest of your life. While I don’t want to talk about the kilos too much,I have lost almost 20 kilos between the 2nd and 3rd picture alone.All due to @jennycraigausnz and their incredible Rapid Results program. I hope I can inspire and motivate you all.No matter what you are trying to achieve,IT CAN BE DONE.I am half way on my weight loss journey and very excited about what is ahead. Thank you @jennycraigausnz . #jennycraigausnz #fitnessmotivation #myjennycraigjourney #weightlossjourney #weightloss #journey #weightlosstransformation #transformation #progress #fitness #health #healthy #healthylifestyle #lifestyle #inspiration #motivation #healthyfood #jennycraig #australia #inspo #fitspo #inspo #healthylife #women

A post shared by JELENA DOKIC 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺 (@dokic_jelena) on

Prošle godine odlučila je promijeniti svoj život. Cilj joj je bio vratiti se na kilažu od 66 kilograma, a to je uspjela uz pomoć dijetnog programa Jenny Craig.

"Brzo sam otkrila kako je lako i jednostavno i koliko je hrana zapravo ukusna. Sviđa mi se i to što se moji obroci brzo pripremaju te da imam na raspolaganju više od 70 različitih namirnica na meniju, koje neće ugroziti moje gubljenje kilograma", rekla je jednom prilikom.

Datum: Ponedjeljak, 05.08.2019.
Broj pregleda: 1052
Kategorija: Showbiz

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